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As a Fellow-ship trained Rhinologist, Dr. Gallivan's expertise includes diagnosing and treating patients with complex diseases and conditions of the skull base. Since his relocation to the Northwest, Dr Gallivan has pioneered the usage of Image-guided surgery in ENT, especially in functional endoscopic sinus surgeries (FESS) and minimally invasive endoscopic surgeries of sinonasal and skull base tumors. As an expert in minimally invasive surgery, he is highly experienced in the endoscopic repair of Cerebrospinal fluid leaks (CSF leaks) and the endoscopic management of both benign and malignant tumors of the paranasal sinuses and skull base. Some of the skull base conditions Dr. Gallivan treats include:

  • CSF rhinorrhea (Cerebrospinal fluid leaks)
  • Acoustic neuroma and lateral skull base tumors
  • Fibro-osseous lesions, including fibrous dysplasia
  • Inverted papilloma and benign neoplasms
  • Olfactory neuroblastoma (Esthesioneuroblastoma, a rare form of cancer)
  • Malignant skull base tumors
  • Juvenile angiofibroma and pediatric tumors
  • Pituitary tumors


The best images of the sinuses are obtained through CT (computer tomography) scanning. Northwest Sinus Center offers the latest diagnostic imaging technology, including in-office sinus CT scanning. Our low-dose CT Scanner, the Xoran MiniCat, captures high-resolution images of the sinuses, temporal bones and skull base. CT scans allow Dr. Gallivan to examine the sinuses in detailed cross-sections for a more precise diagnosis and treatment plan. The images are available immediately, resulting in a faster diagnosis and more rapid treatment for patients.


Many skull base conditions require surgery. Specialized imaging such as nasal endoscopes, and endoscopic sinus and skull base instruments allow Dr. Gallivan to resection or repair of many anterior skull base lesions through the nose. The endoscopic approach decreases patient discomfort and leads to shorter hospitalizations and a quicker return to normal activities.