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As a Fellowship trained Rhinologist, Dr. Ryan Gallivan treats the entire spectrum of sinus, sino-orbital, and skull base disorders. This includes both the medical and surgical treatment for sinus and nasal problems. Since his relocation to the Northwest, Dr Gallivan has pioneered the usage of Image-guided surgery in ENT, especially in functional endoscopic sinus surgeries (FESS) and minimally invasive endoscopic surgeries of sinonasal and skull base tumors. Some of the conditions he treats include:

  • Acute And Chronic Rhinosinusitis (also known as sinusitis)
  • Allergies
  • Deviated septum
  • Nasal obstruction
  • Nasal polyps
  • Problems with taste and smell


The best images of the sinuses are obtained through CT (computer tomography) scanning. Northwest Sinus Center offers the latest diagnostic imaging technology, including in-office sinus CT scanning. Our low-dose CT Scanner, the Xoran MiniCat, captures high-resolution images of the sinuses, temporal bones and skull base. CT scans allow Dr. Gallivan to examine the sinuses in detailed cross-sections for a more precise diagnosis and treatment plan. The images are available immediately, resulting in a faster diagnosis and more rapid treatment for patients.


Functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) is a minimally invasive technique used to restore sinus ventilation and normal function. The most suitable candidates for FESS have recurrent acute or chronic infective sinusitis. Patients typically experience an improvement in symptoms of up to 90 percent following the procedure. Fiberoptic telescopes are used for diagnosis and during the procedure, and computed tomography is used to assess the anatomy and identify diseased areas. FESS is usually used for patients where medical treatment has failed. The procedure can be performed under general or local anesthesia on an outpatient basis, and patients usually experience minimal discomfort. The complication rate for this procedure is lower than that for conventional sinus surgery.

Balloon Sinuplasty (BSP) is a safe and effective procedure for chronic sinusitis patients who are not responding well to medications and are seeking relief from uncomfortable and painful sinusitis symptoms. With BSP, Dr. Gallivan opens inflamed sinuses in the same way that heart surgeons open up blocked arteries during balloon angioplasty. The procedure is less invasive than traditional sinus surgery, and effective at relieving symptoms of chronic sinusitis. And unlike conventional sinus surgery, it does not include removal of bone or tissue from the nose. BPS is typically performed under general anesthesia in an outpatient setting. BSP allows patients to return to normal activities quickly. Studies have shown that 95% of BSP patients would recommend the procedure to friends and family.