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"For about three years, I kept getting recurrent sinus infections along with headaches. There was constant pressure in forehead and cheeks. My primary care doctor tried nasal spray and medication but it just wasn't getting any better. She finally said I should see a specialist and referred me to Dr. Gallivan in April 2011. After evaluating me, Dr. Gallivan recommended surgery and in June, he performed a sinuplasty. It seemed like such a simple procedure! I only felt minor pain and I remember being in twilight sleep, having him explain what he was doing. I came home, took a pain pill and woke up feeling fine. I ran a 3-mile race the day after surgery. Dr. Gallivan opened my sinuses and if I start to feel pressure, I go do a saline rinse and it goes away. Before, colds always progressed to sinus infections. But now I find I don't even colds anymore. Dr. Gallivan took good care of me!"
- Carrie Deaver

"I was started on treatment for sinus infections in 1980, but I never really got over them. I had sinus surgery around 2000 and it helped for a while, but the sinus infections eventually came back. I was always tired, had a low grade fever and headaches, and constant drainage in the back of my throat. By the time my GP sent me to Dr. Gallivan, I was having five sinus infections a year. I knew he would probably recommend surgery, which I wanted to put off as long as possible. I didn't want to go through having my nose packed with 8 miles of cotton wadding again! But Dr. Gallivan recommended a different procedure, balloon sinuplasty. He did it in his office under a local anesthesia in less than two hours, and I drove myself home afterward. There was no recovery. The tiny balloons he inserted into my sinuses helped me get unplugged, and he also removed my polyps. It's been fourteen months since my surgery and I have not had a single sinus infection. Patients who are thinking of this treatment should be prepared for getting better. I can't imagine Dr. Gallivan doing this surgery on anyone and not have it be a success."
- Mark Brown

"I was having trouble breathing through my nose.  An ENT doctor recomended straightening my septum and during surgery he found I had a tumor in the sinus behind my eye. It was a rare form of cancer called a Esthesioneuroblastoma and if it grew into my brain, I would die.  I was referred to Dr. Gallivan, who recomended surgery to remove the tumor. He was able to perform the surgery through my nose, removing some cartilage and affected tissues.  Dr. Gallivan used available tissue in my own sinus to repair what was removed near my brain.  Because of the extent of the surgery, I was in the hospital for about 7 days.  I appreciated that Dr. Gallivan worked with my other doctor to explain my options. Whenever I had questions, he always responded so I was never felt left in the dark. I feel the whole situation couldn't have worked out any better. A year or so after my tumor was removed, Dr. Gallivan did a balloon sinuplasty to relieve some pressure I was feeling behind my eyes.  Everytime I have seen Dr. Gallivan, I am very pleased with the care I receive. I would recommend Dr. Gallivan to anyone who is having simular medical problems."
-Steve Mooney