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Common Causes of Sinus Infections

If you find that you’re dealing with a stuffy nose that just doesn’t seem to get better and you have pain throughout your face, you might be dealing with a Read More

Sinus Infections and How We Can Help

Can't shake that cold? Maybe it's really sinusitis, an acute or chronic inflammation of the lining of the sinuses. At Northwest Sinus Center in Bend, OR, Dr. Ryan Gallivan is Read More

Struggling with Sinus Infections?

If you are battling chronic or persistent sinus infections we are here to help. Experiencing irritated sinuses every once in a while shouldn’t be a great cause for concern. However, Read More

What Causes Sinus Infections and How Are They Treated?

Changing seasons isn't always pleasant. For most, it's exciting to experience fall, but for some, seasonal changes mean allergies, or even worse, a sinus infection. A sinus infection is when your nasal cavities Read More

Treating Your Sinus Infections

Each year, several Americans are inflicted with sinusitis or a sinus infection. The symptoms of this infection oftentimes mimic symptoms of cold or allergies, so it is hard to know Read More

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