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Dealing With Painful Sinus Headaches?

The combination of pain and pressure makes sinus headaches particularly unpleasant. If sinus headaches are a frequent problem for you, your ENT doctor in Bend, OR, Dr. Ryan Gallivan of Read More

Have Sinus Headaches? We Can Help

Do you suffer with sinus headaches? If your answer is yes, then you're familiar with the pain, pressure and drainage around your eyes and across your face and forehead. At Northwest Sinus Center in Read More

Treating Sinus Headaches

Don’t let a throbbing head affect your life. Find out how to tackle your sinus headache for good. Most people will deal with a sinus infection at some point during their Read More

Get Relief For Sinus Headaches

Sinus headaches, which are often confused with (but not the same as) migraines, are caused by infections and swelling and inflammation of the sinus membranes. Although migraine and sinus headaches Read More

Easy Tips For Preventing Sinus Headaches

Your forehead, eyes and cheekbones begin to hurt. It's the start of another painful sinus headache. While sinus headaches debilitate some individuals, you feel yours could be managed without serious Read More

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