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What is Rhinosinusitis and how is it Treated? What you need to know about Rhinosinusitis.

According to the National Institutes of Health, approximately 1 in 7 adults in the United States suffer from rhinosinusitis. If you are rhinoplastywondering if you suffer from this condition, continue reading this article for more information and seek out the help of a trained specialist like Dr. Ryan Gallivan at Northwest Sinus Center in Bend, Oregon.

Rhinosinusitis is an inflammation of the mucus membranes in your nose and subsequent inflammation of your sinuses. Typically, rhinitis (inflammation of your nasal membranes) happens first. You may notice your nose itches and you sneeze a lot. Rhinitis can lead to inflamed sinuses and then you have rhinosinusitis.

The condition can either be acute or chronic, and can be caused from either bacteria or a virus. There are a few things you can do to help with rhinosinusitis, including:

  • Irrigating your sinuses, which will help to keep your nose clean and mucus free. Irrigation helps you breathe better and keeps bacteria from multiplying. Home irrigation kits can be purchased over-the-counter.
  • Placing a humidifier in your house helps keep the air moist and non-irritating to your sinuses. When you breathe moist air, it limits mucus production and congestion.
  • Trying over-the-counter antihistamines, decongestants, and mucolytics (products that help to limit mucus production)


Above all, if you are a smoker, you should quit. In addition to the bad effects on your overall health, smoking irritates your nose and sinuses and increases mucus flow. Bacteria can thrive in this environment. Alcohol consumption also irritates your sinuses, so it’s best to limit alcoholic beverages.

If you have rhinosinusitis, and it doesn’t respond to home treatment, your Bend doctor at Northwest Sinus Center can prescribe medications including antibiotics, corticosteroids and possibly allergy treatments, all to make you feel better and breathe easier.

If you have rhinosinusitis, don’t suffer when there is help just a phone call away. Call Dr. Ryan Gallivan at Northwest Sinus Center in Bend, Oregon. They are standing by to help you breathe better and get back to your life, so call today!