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At the Northwest Sinus Center in Bend, Oregon, ENT doctor Ryan Gallivan diagnoses a multitude of illnesses and conditions related to the nose and sinuses. That's because Dr. Gallivan is one of only a few ENTs in the country who are certified in rhinology, a subspecialty of medicine that we'll be discussing today.

Rhinology definition

Rhinology is a specialty within the concentration of otolaryngology, the study of the ear, nose, and throat. Rhinologists, the doctors within this specialty, have narrowed down their focus to one specific area - the nasal cavity and the sinuses at the front and sides of the face, and the base of the skull.

Anatomy of rhinology

As we discussed above, rhinologists have focused their area of expertise on the nasal cavity, the sinuses, and the base of the skull, but what does that mean?

The nasal cavity, as you might have guessed, starts at the nostrils and travels upwards and then back to meet the throat. It includes the septum, the section of cartilage that divides the nose into two passages, the space inside the nose, and the tissues it's lined with.

The sinus cavities are made up of 4 separate pairs of hollow areas in the skull. The sinuses just below the eyes (maxillary sinuses) are the largest, with both about an inch across. There are also smaller sinuses near the bridge of the nose (ethmoid sinuses), above the eyes (frontal sinuses), and between the ears and the eyes (sphenoid sinuses).

Situated closely to the sinuses are very important structures and organs such as the brain, the optic nerves, and the tiny bones inside the ears, which is why rhinologists like Dr. Gallivan in Bend require such advanced training and certification.

If you have chronic sinus problems, a rhinology professional like Dr. Ryan Gallivan is whom you need to contact. Call the Northwest Sinus Center in Bend, Oregon to learn more. We can be reached at (855) 746-8700.