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What your doctor in Bend wants you to knowsinus headache

If you have frequent headaches, they could be caused by problems with your sinuses; you could have sinus headaches. Dr. Ryan Gallivan, your ear, nose, and throat doctor at Northwest Sinus Center in Bend, OR wants to share what you need to know about sinus headaches.

So what is a sinus headache? Sinus headaches are caused by swelling of sinus tissue and are usually the result of an upper respiratory condition, a cold, or other viral condition. Your sinuses become blocked which causes congestion and pain. Some common symptoms which can accompany a sinus headache include:

  • Increased pain when you bend forward
  • Increased pain when you lie down
  • Pain in your upper teeth or under your eyes
  • Feeling pressure in your face or forehead
  • Pain that increases in cold, damp weather

There are some remedies you can try at home to get relief from sinus headaches. Consider trying:

  • Placing a humidifier in your house, especially in your bedroom; moist air can help relieve swollen sinuses.
  • Placing alternating hot and cold packs above your sinuses; do this several times every day.
  • Irrigating your sinuses daily; this helps to shrink inflamed tissue and aid nasal and sinus drainage.
  • Taking over-the-counter decongestants and antihistamines along with pain relievers like Tylenol or ibuprofen

If home remedies don’t give you the relief you need, it’s time to visit your ENT doctor. Imaging studies and other tests may be ordered to determine the extent of sinus blockage and other issues. Dr. Gallivan may suggest several treatments for your sinus headache including:

  • Prescription steroid nasal sprays
  • Antibiotics if there is infection present
  • Allergy testing and allergy treatment
  • Endoscopic surgery for severe cases

Don’t be sidelined by a sinus headache. Instead, just pick up the phone and call Dr. Gallivan, your ear, nose, and throat doctor at Northwest Sinus Center in Bend, OR. He can help relieve the pain and pressure of a sinus headache so call today!