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Do you have frequent headaches, stuffy nose or pain and pressure around the face? These could be the signs of inflammation of the nasal sinus, or sinusitis. This condition can affect many parts of daily life, forcing you to stay home from work or cancel existing plans. Luckily, balloon sinuplasty is a safe and effective way to relieve symptoms, and can be performed by your doctor at Northwest Sinus Sinusitis Center in Bend, OR.

What is sinusitis? 
Sinusitis affects about 37 million Americans a year. Patients with existing conditions like nasal polyps, blocked drainage ducts and immune deficiencies are more prone to sinusitis. Allergies, daycare and even drinking a bottle while lying on their back commonly contribute to sinusitis in children.

Symptoms of sinusitis include:

  • facial pressure or pain
  • stuffy nose, fatigue
  • fever
  • nasal discharge
  • cough or congestion

Sometimes, sinusitis can become chronic, or last longer than 8 weeks. In this case, pus can form within the mucus. This can cause a blockage to form in the nasal cavity, further preventing mucus from draining normally.

How can balloon sinuplasty help? 
Balloon sinuplasty opens the sinuses similarly to how a balloon angioplasty opens blocked blood vessels in the heart. Opening the sinuses allows the built up mucus causing congestion to drain easier. Sinuplasty flushes the mucus and pus from the nasal cavity. The procedure restructures the walls of the sinus and allows the sinus to work as it is supposed to. Numerous studies have shown balloon sinuplasty to be safe and effective in treating sinusitis.

The Procedure
Balloon sinuplasty begins with a local anesthetic to numb the area. A balloon catheter is inserted into the sinus. It is inflated to expand the opening of the sinus where the mucus drains from the nasal passage. Your doctor will then spray a saline solution into the sinus to flush out the mucus. The catheter is removed, allowing the exit to stay open and the mucus to drain.

If you suffer from frequent bouts of sinusitis or chronic sinusitis, balloon sinuplasty could be a good choice for you. Dr. Ryan Gallivan at Northwest Sinus Center in Bend, OR can work with you to determine the best course of treatment. Call (855) 746-8700 to schedule your appointment for balloon sinuplasty today.