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What your doctor in Bend wants you to knowheadache

Headaches can be caused by a number of factors, and there are two types of headaches, primary and secondary. Primary headaches are not associated with an underlying disease. Migraines and tension headaches are examples of primary headaches.

Secondary headaches are associated with an underlying problem. Headaches associated with ear infections and sinus headaches fall into this category. Dr. Ryan Gallivan, your ear, nose and throat doctor at Northwest Sinus Center in Bend, OR, wants to share what could be causing your headaches.

Primary headaches can be caused by lifestyle issues such as:

  • Consuming alcohol, especially red wine
  • Eating foods high in nitrates, like processed meats
  • Lack of sleep, or changes in sleep patterns
  • Missing meals or changes in diet
  • Stress

Some of the causes of secondary headaches include:

  • Concussion or head trauma
  • Dehydration
  • Brain tumors or an aneurysm
  • Dental issues
  • Sinus inflammation

Dr. Gallivan treats many people who experience sinus headaches, which can start with an allergy or infection. Your sinuses become blocked and unable to drain, causing congestion and headache. There are some definite signs of sinus headache you can recognize, including a headache accompanied by:

  • Aching upper teeth
  • Pressure in your face, forehead or around your eyes
  • Pain which increases when you lie down or bend forward
  • Sinus pain that increases in the morning or in damp, cold weather

There are several effective professional treatments for sinus headaches available at Northwest Sinus Center, including:

  • Antibiotics to eliminate bacteria causing infection
  • Glucocorticoid medications for relieving pain
  • Triptan medications which block your brain’s pain pathways
  • Steroid sprays to reduce nasal passage swelling
  • Nasal irrigation techniques and tools

There are many types of headaches with many causes, but whatever the cause of your headaches, your doctor at Northwest Sinus Center can help. You don’t have to suffer in pain when help is just a phone call away. For stubborn headaches, call Dr. Gallivan, your ear, nose and throat doctor at Northwest Sinus Center in Bend, OR. Call today and feel better tomorrow!