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Sinus congestion and other symptoms can lead to painful headaches that disrupt your day. Dr. Ryan Gallivan, your ENT in Bend, OR, offers treatments for the sinus conditions that cause sinus headaches.

Why Do I Have a Sinus Headache?

Infection or inflammation of your sinus can lead to a variety of unpleasant symptoms, including:

  • Headaches: Headache pain is usually centered in your forehead and around your eyes and nose.
  • Pressure: You may feel pressure in these same areas. Lowering your head may increase the pressure or make your headache feel worse.
  • Nasal Congestion: Your nose may feel stuffy, and you might find it more difficult to breathe easily. Your sense of smell may also be affected.
  • Pain in Your Upper Teeth: That toothache may actually be related to your sinus issue and not tooth decay. Infection or inflammation can irritate the nerves of your upper teeth, triggering pain in teeth.
  • Post-Nasal Drip: Poor drainage can cause mucus to drip down the back of your throat. Mucus can accumulate in your stomach overnight and make you feel a little nauseated first thing in the morning.
  • Coughing: Coughing may also occur.
  • Fever: You may develop a fever if you have a sinus infection, although this doesn't always happen.
  • Fatigue: Dealing with an infection or inflammation of your sinuses can leave you feeling drained and lethargic.

You may be more likely to develop sinus problems if your allergies cause your sinuses to become inflamed, or you've recently had a cold or another upper respiratory infection. In some cases, sinus headaches may not actually be caused by an issue with your sinuses. Sometimes, migraines and tension headaches can feel just like sinus headaches.

What Can I Do About My Sinus Headache?

Over-the-counter pain relievers can decrease pain and inflammation, while decongestants relieve congestion. If you tend to experience sinus headaches more often during allergy season, your ENT may recommend an allergy test. Allergy medication can help keep your symptoms under control if you are diagnosed with allergies.

If home treatment doesn't relieve your symptoms, your ENT can offer prescription medications, such as decongestants, antibiotics or corticosteroids, during a visit to his Bend office. Balloon sinuplasty or minimally invasive surgery may be recommended if other treatments aren't effective or you've developed chronic sinus issues.

Balloon sinuplasty involves inflating a small balloon in your sinuses to widen the passages, while surgery is used to remove obstructions/blockages, improve drainage/breathing, and reduce pressure.

Need Relief? Give Us a Call

Do you suffer from sinus headaches? Call your Bend, OR, ENT, Dr. Gallivan, at (855) 746-8700 to schedule an appointment and find relief.