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Does the pain and pressure of a sinus headache make it difficult to get through the day? Luckily, there are a few things you can do to sinus headacherelieve your symptoms. Ryan Gallivan, M.D., your Bend, OR ear, nose and throat doctor at Northwest Sinus Center, is here to share information on common sinus headache treatment options.

What causes sinus headaches?

Understanding the factors that may contribute to your sinus headaches can help your doctor recommend the most effective treatment. You may be more likely to develop sinus headaches if you have:

  • Allergies
  • An infection
  • A cold
  • The flu
  • Nasal polyps
  • A deviated septum
  • Nasal bone spurs

What can I do at home to treat my symptoms?

Over-the-counter pain and allergy medication and decongestants can be helpful in treating sinus headaches at home. Nasal rinses with saline solution keep your nasal passages moist and help wash away allergens. Adding a humidifier to your bedroom is a good way to keep your nose from drying out. If you have a sinus headache, there's no better time to take a long shower. The steam can help relieve your symptoms, also applying alternating hot and cold compresses to your face may help.

What treatment options are available?

Sometimes, no matter what you try, your sinus headache doesn't go away on its own. If the symptoms continue for several weeks, or if you have chronic sinus headaches, it's a good idea to visit an ear, nose and throat doctor. Your doctor can offer a variety of treatments that will help reduce pain and pressure, including:

  • Nasal corticosteroid sprays to reduce swelling, itching and sneezing
  • Prescription-strength antihistamines to block the production of histamines, chemicals that are produced during an allergic reaction
  • Antibiotics to treat bacterial infections
  • Prescription decongestants (both oral and nasal) to open your nasal passages
  • Surgery to repair a deviated septum or remove bone spurs or polyps

Contact Your Bend, OR ENT

There's no reason to live with the pain of a sinus headache. Find out what Ryan Gallivan, M.D., your Bend ear, nose and throat doctor can do to help relieve your symptoms by calling (855) 746-8700. Stop sinus pain with an ENT visit!