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A sinus headache happens when your sinus passages, located behind your nose, eyes, forehead, and cheeks become congested. You can feel it on both or either side of your head and you’ll feel pressure or pain anywhere or all over your sinus area, and not just in the head. In most cases, a sinus headache is a warning sign of sinusitis. However, it can also occur if your sinuses are triggered, such as when you have an allergic reaction.

Based on your specific sinus headache symptoms, our doctor, Dr. Ryan Gallivan of Northwest Sinus Center in Bend, OR, can create a suitable treatment plan for you. In general, your treatment plan could include home remedies, OTC or prescription meds, or surgery, if your sinus headache is particularly severe.

Home Remedies for Treating Sinus Headaches

To reduce the symptoms of a sinus headache decongesting the sinuses is key. The following home remedies might help:

  • Use a saline nasal spray or drops and run a humidifier to moisten the air, which in turn, can relieve your clogged sinuses.
  • Breathe in steam or apply a warm cloth on your sinus area to ease pressure and trigger drainage.
  • Gently press on the pressure points of your sinuses to promote drainage. This includes the area between your eyes and your nose bridge. Gently apply continuous pressure or tap on the area for a minute.
  • Lightly press both sides of the nose and tip your head as you blow your nose to trigger drainage.

Prescription Medicines for Sinus Headaches

If your sinus headaches are caused by a stubborn sinus infection, your doctor might prescribe mucolytics for clearing up your mucus, decongestants for decongesting your nasal passages, and antihistamines for inflammation and/or allergy symptoms. But you won’t be prescribed antibiotic medications unless you have a bacterial infection caused by your sinusitis. If allergies are the cause of your sinus headaches, you may be prescribed antihistamines and/or corticosteroid injections. On the other hand, if chronic sinusitis is causing your sinus headaches, you may need to undergo a nasal surgery procedure like balloon sinuplasty to keep your sinus headaches at bay.

Get rid of sinus headaches once and for all.

Contact Northwest Sinus Center in Bend, OR, at (855) 746-8700. Dr. Ryan Gallivan will help you find the right combination of treatments to give you sinus relief.