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Sinus HeadacheWhile there are many different kinds of headaches, if you notice that your headaches originate around the eyes, forehead, and cheeks and may also be accompanied by facial pressure then your headaches could be the result of sinus problems. Discover some of the telltale signs of sinus headaches and how our Bend, OR, otolaryngologist Dr. Ryan Gallivan can help.

What are the symptoms of sinus headaches?

Along with a pain or throbbing that originates in the forehead or cheeks, the pain may also get worse when lying down or bending over. Your headaches may also be accompanied by a stuffy nose, fatigue, and referred pain in the upper teeth.

It can be surprisingly easy to mistake your sinus headaches for migraines. After all, they both can be accompanied by nasal problems such as congestion and facial pressure. The main difference is that sinusitis-related headaches do not typically cause nausea, vomiting or sensitivity to lights or sounds. These symptoms are typical of migraines. Sinus headaches may also last for days while migraines often only last a couple of hours.

When should you see a doctor?

If you are able to get your sinus headaches under control with simple at-home medications and care then you may not need to see a doctor; however, you should schedule an appointment with our Bend, OR, ENT doctor if you experience headaches for more than 15 days out of each month, if your headaches are severe or interfere with work, or if over-the-counter medications aren’t working.

How are sinus headaches treated?

The goal of treatment is to effectively manage symptoms such as headaches, nasal swelling, congestion, and other issues until your sinus infection goes away. If your sinus infection is the result of bacteria then a round of antibiotics will be prescribed to kill the bacteria. After which, symptoms should improve within a few days.

However, if you dealing with recurring sinus infections due to allergies, then antihistamines, decongestants and nasal sprays may also be prescribed to help ease your symptoms. Since over-the-counter decongestants can sometimes make symptoms worse it’s important to talk with your doctor before trying any over-the-counter medications to treat your sinusitis and sinus headaches.

You may also choose to use a neti pot, which allows you to flush out the sinuses with a saline solution. This can provide great relief for sinusitis sufferers and it’s something that can be done right in the comfort of your own home.

If you are dealing with sinus headaches in Bend, OR, and at-home care isn’t giving you the relief you need then it’s time to turn to the ENT experts at Northwest Sinus Center.