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Find out if you could be dealing with a sinus infection.

Sometimes a stuffy nose is the result of allergies or a cold; however, other times your symptoms may be masquerading as a cold but couldsinusitis actually be a sinus infection. Learn more about the distinguishing signs of a sinus infection and when your infection warrants seeing our Bend, OR, otolaryngologist, Dr. Ryan Gallivan, for treatment.


What is a sinus infection?

A sinus infection occurs when a virus or bacteria has infected the nasal passages. While a cold usually won’t cause a sinus infection, it can leave you susceptible to developing one. You could be dealing with a sinus infection if you are experiencing any of these symptoms,

  • Facial pressure and pressure behind the eyes
  • A runny or stuffed up nose that doesn’t go away
  • Headaches
  • Fever
  • Postnasal drip (mucus that drains down your throat)
  • Persistent bad breath
  • Lack of smell
  • Malaise

While a stuffy nose, fatigue, and mucous drainage can also be symptoms of a cold, cold symptoms usually last about 5 to 10 days while a sinus infection (also known as sinusitis) can last up to a month or longer. While colds will dissipate on their own rather quickly, someone with a sinus infection will likely require medication, or else face an extended period of acute discomfort.


How do you treat a sinus infection?

You should schedule an appointment with us if you are dealing with symptoms such as fever, nasal congestion, mucus discharge, or facial pain for more than 10 days.

Sometimes, simple over-the-counter nasal sprays and decongestants can alleviate symptoms until the infection goes away; however, many of these over-the-counter medications shouldn’t be used for more than a couple days, so it’s important not to take them longer than directed. An antihistamine may also be used if allergies are causing your sinus problems. Some patients turn to natural solutions such as a Neti Pot to irrigate and clean out the nasal passages.

While rare, a sinus infection can be caused by bacteria. In the case of a bacterial infection, antibiotics will need to be prescribed to effectively treat the infection.


Need relief? Give us a call

Don’t let a severe or worsening sinus infection affect your daily routine. Call Northwest Sinus Center in Bend, OR, today at (855) 746-8700 to schedule an appointment.