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How your ENT specialist in Bend, OR, can help you feel better

Have you been struggling with the symptoms of rhinosinusitis? Often exceedingly uncomfortable and detrimental to your breathing ability, 1 sinusitisin 7 adults unfortunately suffer from rhinosinusitis according to the National Institutes of Health. Fortunately, your ear, nose, and throat specialist can help! Dr. Ryan Gallivan at Northwest Sinus Center in Bend, Oregon, offers several treatment options to help you get relief from rhinosinusitis symptoms—read on to learn more!


Rhinosinusitis symptoms

Coming in both acute and chronic forms, rhinosinusitis is a condition caused by inflammation from a virus or bacteria. The inflammation occurs first in your nasal passages, before moving onto your sinuses.

According to the Mayo Clinic, these are some of the most common signs and symptoms of rhinosinusitis:

  • A thick green or yellow discharge from your nose
  • Drainage flowing down the back of your throat
  • Nasal congestion resulting in trouble breathing through your nose
  • Tenderness and swelling around your eyes, forehead, cheeks, or nose
  • A reduced ability to taste and smell

You may also have additional symptoms, such as:

  • Pain in your ears or sore throat
  • Pain in your upper jaw and teeth
  • Fatigue or nausea
  • A cough that may get worse at night


Rhinosinusitis treatments

Dr. Gallivan offers several effective treatments for rhinosinusitis including:

  • Nasal irrigation with saline solution to reduce drainage and remove irritants
  • Nasal corticosteroid sprays to reduce inflammation
  • Oral or injected corticosteroids to relieve severe inflammation or if you have nasal polyps
  • Antibiotics if your rhinosinusitis is caused by a bacterial infection
  • Immunotherapy to help limit your body’s allergic response to an allergen
  • Endoscopic sinus surgery for rhinosinusitis caused by a nasal or sinus obstruction


Need treatment? Give us a call!

You don’t have to let rhinosinusitis symptoms stop you from enjoying your life—you can get relief from your ear, nose, and throat specialist! Just pick up your phone and call Dr. Ryan Gallivan at Northwest Sinus Center in Bend, Oregon. Dial (855) 746-8700 now and feel better fast!