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Your forehead, eyes and cheekbones begin to hurt. It's the start of another painful sinus headache. While sinus headaches debilitate some individuals, you feel yours could be managed without serious medical intervention.

Board-certified otolaryngologist Ryan P. Gallivan MD of Northwest Sinus Center specializes in simple and complex nasal conditions, Headacheincluding diagnosis and relief of sinus headaches. He recommends a visit to his office when headaches become severe, but also lists a series of easy tips for preventing more common sinus headaches in Bend, OR patients.

Sinus Headache Symptoms

Dr. Gallivan advises patients to understand their sinus headache symptoms and to track what triggers them. According to the American Academy of Otolaryngology, typical signs of a problem include:

  • greenish, thick nasal discharge
  • facial swelling
  • nasal stuffiness
  • toothache in the upper jaw
  • pain around the eyes, at cheekbones and across the forehead

Sinus Headache Prevention

Environmental factors often set off sinus headaches of varying severity. Try to avoid conditions indoors and outside that contribute to symptoms. Also, follow these simple headache prevention tips:

  1. Stay indoors as much as possible on high pollen count days. Sinus headaches and sinus infections (sinusitis) often start with allergens such as grass and flower pollen, air pollution, and exposure to animal dander. Consider allergy testing to identify what airborne particles cause sensitivity.
  2. Vacuum your home and car diligently to reduce irritating dust and the dust mite population.
  3. Wash your face and hands after gardening, exercising or other outdoor activities. Shower and wash your hair if you have time and opportunity.
  4. Add humidity to an overly dry environment. A vaporizer helps clear nasal passages.
  5. Install a HEPA or other air filter system on your furnace and air conditioning system.
  6. Reduce caffeine and alcohol consumption, and don't smoke or spend extended time in smoky environments.
  7. Get a good night's sleep, and reduce stress as much as possible. Exercise is a great stress reliever.
  8. Women should talk to their OB/GYN regarding their estrogen levels. Too much estrogen is a common sinus headache trigger.
  9. Talk to Dr. Gallivan about at-home nasal irrigation. Over the counter neti pots and syringes deliver a mild salt water solution into the nasal passages, washing out irritants and mucus.

Be Proactive

Contact Northwest Sinus Center in Bend, OR to discuss your sinus headache symptoms with Dr. Ryan P. Gallivan. Compassionate and knowledgeable, Dr. Gallivan will work with you to understand your sinus symptoms and formulate a plan of prevention. Call the office at (855) 746-8700 to arrange for a personal consultation.