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AllergiesCould some of your chronic symptoms be caused by allergies? More than 50 million people suffer from allergies every year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, but not all of them are aware that they have allergies. ENT Dr. Ryan Gallivan of Northwest Sinus Center helps Bend, OR, residents manage their allergy symptoms with a variety of effective treatment options.

How can I tell if I have allergies?

Although it's not easy to tell the difference between allergies and other conditions or illnesses, these signs may occur if your symptoms are triggered by exposure to allergens:

  • A Never-Ending Cold: Colds usually get better in a few weeks. If you can't stop sneezing, your eyes itch, or you feel congested weeks after you thought you caught a cold, allergies may be responsible for your symptoms.
  • Dry Mouth and Morning Sore Throat: Do you wake up during the night because your mouth is dry? If your nose is congested, you may begin breathing through your mouth while you sleep, which can cause dry mouth and a sore throat in the morning. If you're an adult, these symptoms may be annoying, but they can be more than an annoyance in children.
  • Dark Circles: Dark circles can be hereditary, but they may also be a sign of allergies. Commonly called "allergic shiners," the circles form when chronic nasal congestion causes the blood vessels under the eyes to swell. These dark vessels are particularly noticeable under the thin skin of the under eye area.
  • Headaches: Headaches can be caused by nasal congestion, sinusitis, or high airborne allergen levels in the Bend area.
  • Itchy Ears: It's hard to concentrate on anything when your ears won't stop itching. Although itching can be a sign of an infection, it may also occur if you have allergies.

Are you concerned that you may have allergies? Call Bend, OR, ENT Dr. Ryan Gallivan of Northwest Sinus Center at (855) 746-8700 to schedule an appointment.