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Sinusitis is a painful ordeal if it persists. Dr. Ryan Gallivan of Bend OR provides his patients with treatment options, including balloon sinuplasty at Northwest Sinus Center for patients who suffer from chronic sinusitis.

What is sinusitis?

It is the inflammation or swelling of the sinus tissue lining when it becomes blocked and filled with fluid and germs. People suffer from sinus blockage because of a common cold, allergic rhinitis (swelling of the lining of the nose), nasal polyps, and a deviated septum.

There are different types of sinusitis: acute sinusitis which starts with cold-like symptoms, like a runny nose; recurrent sinusitis, which happens several times a year; and chronic sinusitis, which is when inflammation symptoms last 12 weeks or longer. For chronic and long-term problems with sinusitis, we recommend Balloon Sinuplasty in Bend.

What is Balloon Sinuplasty Bend?

Dr. Gallinvan performs Balloon Sinuplasty at Northwest Sinus Center in Bend OR when patients don't respond well to medications and need relief from uncomfortable and painful symptoms.

Balloon Sinuplasty is when your doctor opens inflamed sinuses, and inserts a small inflatable catheter into sinuses to unblock passages. The flexible balloon catheter facilitates drainage of mucus buildup. The sinus balloon widens sinus walls without damaging sinus lining.

This is not an invasive surgical procedure since it does not include the removal of bone or tissue from the nose.

Balloon Sinuplasty Bend Recovery

Patients can drive themselves home about 15 minutes after the procedure if they weren't given a sedative and can go back to regular activities within a couple of days.

Some post-procedural care includes elevating your head while sleeping to ease congestion, taking prescribed steroids or antibiotics to reduce the risk of an infection developing and pain alleviation.

Don't blow your nose for about 24 hours after the treatment and moderate exercise. Doctors recommend avoiding strenuous activity for a minimum of one week and rinsing nasal passages with saline spray 3-to-7 days after surgery.

Do you need to speak with your doctor?

For more information about Balloon Sinuplasty, call Dr. Ryan Gallivan of Northwest Sinus Center in Bend OR at (855) 746-8700!