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A chronic sinus condition can make it hard to function daily. According to the CDC, about 11.6% of American adults are diagnosed with sinusitis. This recurring condition may also contribute to a recurring sinus headache in Bend, OR. When you make an appointment at Northwest Sinus Center, you will be under the kind and expert care of Dr. Ryan Gallivan. He understands how sinuses can cause various problems, such as head pain and tension.

What Causes Sinus Headaches?

If you often have sinus infections, it can lead to these headaches. Such an infection may come from a virus or bacteria. When people have allergies, it can have a major effect on the sinuses by causing inflammation. Being around smoke and contacting the common old are also triggers.

You may feel pain under the eyes and upper teeth as your sinus passages swell. Such swelling happens as mucus becomes trapped, It can create nasal polyps or a deviated septum. These factors all lead to a painful headache.

How Can You Manage Them?

You have several options to manage your sinus headache in Bend, OR. Home remedies such as compresses and nasal irrigation can loosen mucus. A simple over-the-counter medication like ibuprofen can relieve the resulting pain.

If natural remedies don't work, your doctor may need to perform functional endoscopic sinus surgery for relief. This technique is effective at clearing sinus blockages and helps you breathe clearer. It usually involves using a small endoscope, a tube with a camera that goes through one nostril. Your doctor can see live images on a nearby monitor. From there, the surgeon can spot any infected tissue or nasal polyps causing inflammation and headaches. In some cases, they may also need to remove tiny sinus bone structures to ease breathing.

You no longer have to suffer through a chronic sinus headache in Bend, OR, when you get local medical professionals on your side. The expert team at Northwest Sinus Center is here to provide sinus relief and prevent ongoing related head pain that may affect your quality of life. Dr. Gallivan is your local doctor who can guide you through home remedies, prescribe medication, or conduct minimally invasive surgery for your relief. Call us at (855) 746-8700 and get started on relieving those pressing migraines.