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If you are suffering from rhinosinusitis in Bend, OR, it can be difficult to breathe and go about your normal daily activities. What you need is to see Dr. Ryan Gallivan at Northwest Sinus Center so that he can diagnose and recommend treatment for your condition. 

What is Rhinosinusitis?

 Rhinosinusitis also known as sinusitis, is an inflammation and infection of the mucus membranes within the sinuses. Because the sinuses drain into the nasal passages, the infection often spreads. It is a very common condition in Bend, OR, and affects over 30 million people in the country every year.

Cause of Rhinosinusitis

 Rhinosinusitis may be caused by fungus, bacteria, viruses, nasal polyps, or allergies. Fungal rhinosinusitis is usually caused by two common fungal types, yeast and mold. These types of rhinosinusitis can be very serious and even result in death in people who are immuno-compromised. Allergic rhinosinusitis may be seasonal or perennial. 

Symptoms of Rhinosinusitis

 Rhinosinusitis has quite a few potential symptoms. Pressure in the face is one of the most common. When it is accompanied by fever, there is evidence that an infection is present. A blocked nose, nasal or postnasal drip, loss of smell, pressure in your ears, headache, and a cough are all potential symptoms. 

Diagnosis of Rhinosinusitis

 The symptoms of rhinosinusitis are not exclusive to that condition, so it is not always easy to diagnose. Rhinosinusitis can be broken down into four types:

  • Acute-when your symptoms last less than 4 weeks
  • Subacute - when your symptoms last between 4 and 12 weeks
  • Chronic - when your symptoms last more than 12 weeks
  • Recurrent - When you have four episodes lasting less than 4 weeks with complete symptom resolution between episodes

 The most common way to diagnose rhinosinusitis is with an exam by your doctor. Diagnostic tools may be required and this includes an endoscopy, blood test, a nasal culture, CT Scan, allergy testing, MRI, or a biopsy. 


 The treatment for rhinosinusitis depends on the diagnosis and what caused it. In most cases, antibiotics are the first line of defense for bacterial rhinosinusitis. For allergic rhinosinusitis, antihistamines are needed as well as a nasal spray. In the case of viral rhinosinusitis, a Neti Pot can help to clear the sinuses and if nasal polyps are the cause, surgery may be necessary.   

Dr. Gallivan of Northwest Sinus Center can help with rhinosinusitis in Bend, OR. Don't let rhinosinusitis disrupt your life. Give our office a call today at (855) 746-8700 for an appointment.