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The sinuses are an important part of your body and when you’re dealing with any issues in your sinuses it can cause you pain and frustration. You might find that you’re dealing with the pain of a sinus infection, but it’s actually a sinus headache. A sinus headache can interrupt your daily routine and make it difficult to focus on any tasks in front of you. It’s important to understand the symptoms of a sinus headache so that you understand how to deal with them. Dr. Ryan Gallivan of Northwest Sinus Center in Bend, OR, can explain the sinus headache symptoms you might experience and how to deal with one.

Spotting a Sinus Headache

If you’re used to dealing with sinus infections, you may understand what the pain of a sinus headache might feel like. A sinus headache can cause pressure around the eyes, cheeks, and forehead and you may deal with a throbbing head. Pain can also begin to get worse if you lie down or bend over.

It can be difficult to tell if you’re dealing with a regular sinus infection or sinus headache because of the similarities in symptoms. Similar symptoms include a stuffy nose, fatigue, and an achy feeling in the upper teeth. Sinus headaches are caused by sinus infections, but headaches aren’t always involved.

If you notice that your sinus headache continues to persist after two weeks, it’s important to talk to our ENT doctor in Bend, OR, about treatment. You may need antibiotics to get rid of bacteria or pain medication to help relieve some of the pressure that you’re experiencing.

Contact Our ENT Doctor Today

Find out if you’re dealing with migraines or sinus headaches. Contact Dr. Ryan Gallivan of Northwest Sinus Center in Bend, OR, to learn more about sinus headaches and their symptoms. Call for more information and to schedule an appointment today at (855) 746-8700.